IWIPS logoIWIPS- The International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems




Past Workshops




IWIPS 1999

Bourges-Waldegg, P., Moreno, L. & T. Rojano

Internationalization and Localization of Educational Software

Bullock, W.C.

Product Anxiety in the Global Village

C. Garg & T. Plocher

The Cross-Cultural User Interface Initiative at Honeywell

Carroll, J.M.

Using Design Rationale to Manage Culture-Bound Metaphors for International User Interfaces

Chavan, A.L.

A Quick and Dirty User Profiling Technique

Chien-Hsiung Chen

Using Color to Facilitate the Internationalization and Localization of User Interfaces

Day, D. & V. Evers

Questionnaire Development for Multicultural Samples

Day, D.L.

Thinking Differently, Acting Together: A Treatise on Technology Acceptance in the Era of Internationalization

Duncker, E., Theng, Y.L. & Mohd-Nazir, N.

Authoring Tools and Cultural Diversity

Dunckley, L., Hall, P. & A. Smith

Software International Architecture and User Interface Design

Evers, V., Kukulska-Hulme, A. & A. Jones

Cross-Cultural Understanding of Interface Design: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Icon Recognition

Harel, D. & G. Prabhu

Global User Experience (GLUE), Design for Cultural Diversity: Japan, China and India

Honold, P.

“Cross-cultural” or “intercultural” – some findings on international usability testing

Hysell, D. & G. Perlman

Lessons Learned from Internationalizing a Global Resource

Johnston, D.

Systems Approach to Globalization

Marcus, A.

Globalization and User-Interface Design for the Web

Modica, C. & K. Fiedler

Tips for Successful International Evaluation of Localized User Interfaces

Ruuska, S.

Mobile Communication Devices for International Use – Exploring Cultural Diversity through Contextual Inquiry

Sengupta, U. & J. Liu

Human-Computer Interface for Industrial Process Operators in the Coastal Provinces of Mainland China

Swales, M., Strik, T., Dutta, S. & J. Potvin

Assigning Safety Functions to Products during Design – A Cultural Perspective

Vanka, S.

ColorTool: The Cross Cultural Meanings of Color

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