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Past Workshops




IWIPS 2007

Braun, B-M., Roese, K. & P. Roessger

Localizing for the Korean Market: ‘Actually Being There’ with a Multi-Methods Approach

Chavan, A.L.

To Be (Global) Or Not To Be (Global)… -- Is that the Question?

Chavan, A.L.

Contextual Innovation

Chavan, A.L., Prabhu, B. & W. Greving

Cross Cultural Study: Perception, Usage and Adoption of Technology

Heimgartner, R.

Measuring Cultural Differences in HCI as Preparatory Work for Cultural Adaptability in Navigation Systems: Results from the Second Online Survey

Kamarainen, A. & P. Saariluoma

Under-Use of Mobile Services: How Advertising Space Is Used

Prabhu, B., Prabhu, G., Arora, S. & A. Paranjape

Emerging Markets: Finding the Right Foot Hold

Rangaswamy, N.

The Aspirational PC: Home Computers and Indian Middle Class Domesticity

Rocha, M.A.M.

Actually Being There: The Cultural Experience Workshop

Salvador, T.

From ICTs for Development to ICTs for Exchange: Opportunities & Sustainability in Global Markets

Salvador, T.

From ICTs for Development to ICTs for Exchange: Opportunities & Sustainability in Global Markets

Smith, A.

Supporting the Localization of Usability Practice in India and China

Toyama, K.

The Advantages of Being There

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