Contextual InnovationAuthor:
Chavan, A.L.Abstract:
Enhance your skillset with powerful methods and techniques for studying users' behaviors, goals, and intentions – in their everyday settings. Contextual Innovation uncovers "deeper" insights than traditional market research, which relies on focus groups and questionnaires for data gathering. You'll learn how to gain an understanding of user needs and cultural context to drive design ideas, business models, and technological investigations. Convert large amounts of ethnographic data into viable concept ideas….Original publication:
Evers, V., Sturm, C., Rocha, M.A.M., Martinez, E.C. & T. Mandl. Designing for Global Markets 8, 103-104. 8th International Workshop on Internationalization of Products and Systems. Merida, Mexico. July 28-30, 2007.Copyright:
© 2007 Product & Systems Internationalisation, Inc. ISBN: 0-9722184-5-9Availability:
proceedings available online soon - please email to proceedings@iwips.org for notification