Past events and conference sponsors
- Accti
- Adams Translation Services
- Adapt Localization
- Ailia
- amberlight
- Austin Community College
- Austin Usability
- Austintest
- Bell Atlantic
- Bridge360
- British HCI Group
- Cambridge Technology Partners
- Center for Lifelong Engineering UT Austin
- CM2 Ltd.
- cpsl
- cutting edge translations international
- DelGaldo Consulting
- Dreams Ergonomie
- Eastman Kodak Company
- Elsevier User Centered Design Group
- flow interactive
- Global Meeting Services
- GlobalizeMe
- Hewlett Packard
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
- Human Fasctors International
- Hyperion
- IBIDEM Group
- Industrial Designers Society of America
- Industry Canada
- Intel
- IOP Human-Machine Interaction
- Johnston and Associates
- KadaSoftware
- LISA - Localization Industry Standards Association
- Localisation Research Center
- Loyola College
- M2 Ltd.
- Microsoft Research
- Moravia
- MultiCorpora
- MultiLingual Computing, Inc.
- Noldus
- Omnicon
- Optimum Web
- Passollo
- Ralph McElroy Translation Company
- Rubric
- Salford Translations
- SAM Engineering
- Senbrila
- Siemens
- Simon Fraser University
- Star Group
- Sun Microsystems
- System Concepts
- TechSmith
- Thames Valley University
- transline localization
- Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
- University of Amsterdam
- User Focus Ltd.
- Ushuaia Solutions
- Vignette
- Web of Culture
- Webcrayon
- WebServe Canada
Products & Systems Internationalisation, Inc. (P&SI) are the organisers of the annual International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems (IWIPS). P&SI are looking for firms and organisations with an interest in cross-cultural development and marketing to join its team of supporters. This brief presents answers to frequently asked questions regarding P&SI and its annual meeting, IWIPS. For additional details, please contact us via e-mail at P&SI is a not-for-profit organization of volunteers, incorporated in the State of Delaware (U.S.) P&SI organizes an annual meeting of professionals from industry, academia and government working on the internationalisation of products and systems. The meeting (IWIPS) began in 1999 thanks to Kodak sponsorship, in Rochester (New York). Since then, it has been held annually, in Baltimore (Maryland), Milton Keynes (U.K.), Austin (Texas), Berlin (Germany), Vancouver (Canada), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Mérida (Mexico), London (UK).
Why should you support P&SI?
Over the years, sponsors have helped IWIPS attract attendees from five continents, by making it possible to keep registration fees low in consideration of attendees' substantial travel expenses. There are several benefits to supporting P&SI and IWIPS, either in cash or in kind.
IWIPS delegates represent firms from around the world on the leading edge of development and marketing of commercial items for sale and use in other cultures. Sponsorship provides a means to showcase a sponsor's technical capabilities, service offerings, and products to this exclusive group.
An understanding of the wide variety of internationalisation issues addressed at IWIPS is directly relevant to success in designing, manufacturing and marketing commercial items overseas. Sponsorship supports the development of such issues and related processes. This benefits not only delegates, but also others around the world who gain access to the outcomes of IWIPS sessions (e.g., via the proceedings).
Networking among delegates at IWIPS in this specialised area provides an unique opportunity for a mutual development of concepts that otherwise might never occur. Sponsorship makes available this highly interactive forum, further developing the skills of trained specialists who may become employed by sponsoring firms.
Sponsoring IWIPS provides the possibility of reducing taxes (tax registration number of P&SI: 38-36533207).
What types of sponsorship are needed?
The ways you can help support P&SI and IWIPS include:
- Generell sponsoring of the annual conference
- Sponsoring bimonthly, worldwide conference calls of the P&SI Board of Directors
- Providing catering guarantees for the IWIPS reception, Continental breakfasts, and breaks
- Subsidizing the IWIPS proceedings
- Supporting all or part of the costs of transportation and lodging for invited speakers at IWIPS
- Providing guarantees for minimal guest room occupancy at the venue hotel
- Paying entertainment fees for performances at the IWIPS reception and dinner
- Providing or paying for rental of computer and audio-visual equipment for IWIPS sessions
- Contributing registration and accounting services support
How should you provide sponsorship, and when?
If sponsorship is to be provided via direct funding, cashiers' checks are preferred. Full receipts will be provided to all sponsors, indicating the specific item(s) being supported, the purposes of IWIPS, and amounts contributed. Sponsorship can be provided at any time, but is especially appreciated early in the calendar year.
What can we tell our accountants and executives that may convince them to sponsor IWIPS?
Other than points already discussed, those with the purse strings can be told that sponsors will be mentioned prominently at IWIPS opening and closing sessions, as well as in the proceedings and on the IWIPS web site. Those who need to be convinced can get details of sponsorship activities by contacting Brenda Hall (
Thanks for taking the time to consider becoming a sponsor of P&SI and its annual workshop on internationalisation. We look forward to working with you to maximize the benefits for you and for IWIPS attendees, when you decide to join our team.
©2010 Product & System Internationalisation, Inc.