Design of Medical Devices for International MarketAuthor:
Holscher, U., Liu, L., Gruchmann, T., Pantiskas, C. & S. WilcoxAbstract:
This paper provides information on issues related to successful cross-cultural design of medical devices and on procedures required to organize cross-cultural design process. Design issues that are influenced by culture and nation specific factors are identified and explained. Considerations of cross-cultural design in the analysis, design, and evaluation phases are proposed.Original publication:
Day, D.L., Evers, V. & E. del Galdo. Designing for Global Markets 7, 113-128. 7th International Workshop on Internationalization of Products and Systems. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 7-9, 2005.Copyright:
© 2005 Product & Systems Internationalisation, Inc. ISBN: 0-9722184-7-5Availability:
proceedings available online soon - please email to proceedings@iwips.org for notification