A Comparative Study on the Effect of Culture on High and Low-End Users from a Collectivistic Culture GroupAuthor:
Oyugi, C. & Smith, A. & Abdelnour, JAbstract:
Usability evaluation methods (UEMs) developed for use in Europe and USA do not necessarily give the same results when applied in India, China or Africa. As such, there is need to adapt UEMs to increase their reliability among non-western users. This study seeks to establish if the effect of culture is similar among high-end users and low-end users who are collectivistic.The results here indicate that adapting UEMs increases their reliability among collectivistic low-end. However, among collectivistic high-end users, the reliability of UEMs remains unaffected by culture.Original publication:
Minoi, J. & Yeo, A. & Abdelnour-Nocera. Designing for Global Markets 10, 9-19. 10th International Workshop on Internationalization of Products and Systems. Kuching, Malaysia. July 11-14, 2011.Copyright:
© 2011 Product & Systems Internationalisation, Inc. ISBN: 0-9722184-6-7Availability:
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