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Past Workshops




IWIPS 2010

Bannon, L.

Investigating Culture(s): Local & Global Perspectives

Barricelli, B.R., Iacob, C., & L. Zhu

BANCO Web Architecture to Support Global Collaborative Interaction Design

Diaper, D. & G. Lindgaard

Migrating Activity Theory to HCI and CSCW Applications

Elbaz, P. & G.H. Galal-Edeen

The Effect of Culture on User-Centred Design Methods and Phases

Ess, C.

Designing the Self? Notes on Communication, Technology, and Self/Identity

Evers, V. & P. Hinds

The Truth about Universal Design: How Knowledge on Basic Human Functioning, Used to Inform Design, Differs Across Cultures

French, T. & K. Opatola

A Pilot Investigation of e-Banking Trust Perceptions Amongst the Yoruba and Igbo of Nigeria

Heimgartner, R.

Towards A Model of Culturally Influenced Human-Machine Interaction

Helkio, L., Holtta, T., Kujala, S., Nurkka, P. & T. Walsh

Brand as a Basis for Cross-Cultural User Experience Design

Knight, E., Gunawardena, C. & E. Barberà

Beyond Hofstede: Designing Visual Meanings of Icons and Images for Cross-Cultural Interpretation

Oyugi, C., Smith, A. & J. Abdelnour-Nocera

Localisation and Agile Development

Rambo, K. & K. Liu

From Socio-cultural Norms to e-Commerce Design Principles

Ressin, M. & J. Abdelnour-Nocera

Localisation and Agile Development

Shrestha, S., Moore, J.P.T., & J. Abdelnour-Nocera

Localisation and Agile Development

Straub, K.

The Psychology of Persuasion: Principles without Borders

Suadamara, R., Werner, S. & A. Hunger

Groupware Requirements for Multicultural Users

Sun, X & A. May

The Role of Culture in Designing and Evaluating Mobile Applications for Chinese Users

Walsh, T., Nurkka, P. & S. Kujala

Exploring Cross-Cultural UX Evaluation with the Remote Online Sentence Completion Method

Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Bidwell, N., Blake, E., Kapuire, G., & M. Rehm

Merging Experiences and Perspectives in the Complexity of Cross-Cultural Design

Yeo, A., Ng, E-L., Zawiyah, N. & S.F.J. Samson

Developing Software for Rural Communities: A Community-Centred Approach

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